[Announcement] Upgrade to v2.6.1.1 by 10:00 UTC on Aug 29, 2024 before SPORK 16 activates

The community has spoken, and we have a brand new release!!


Please upgrade before 10:00 UTC 29th August 2024 when SPORK 16 will activate in preparation for the change to XelisV2 as our hashing algorithm at blockheight 1930001 , which is anticipated to be in the evening (UTC) of 30th August 2024. Block rewards will also be subject to a bonus 24 months to celebrate our adoption of XelishashV2. The block reward will increase to 17000 from the current 5000. This will reduce every 129600 blocks (or roughly 30 days) by 500 until the reward has reduced back to 5000 per block. Superblocks remain, and the split between miners, masternodes and the devfee is unchanged.

The reference CPU miner for PepePOW/XelisV2 is available at https://github.com/MattF42/pepew-cpu-miner Other miners (including GPU support) are expected to become available prior to our hardfork. Existing XEL / XelisV2 miners will NOT work until their dev has explicitly stated it is supported.

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