Earn and participate in the network through mining

Join the Mining Community

Mining is the process by which new PEPEPOW Crypocions are created and transactions are validated and added to the blockchain. As a decentralized network, PEPEPOW Crypocions relies on miners to secure and maintain its blockchain.

Become a part of the PEPEPOW Crypocions mining community and contribute to the decentralized network’s security and stability. Whether you’re a novice miner or an experienced enthusiast, mining PEPEPOW Crypocions offers opportunities for participation and potential rewards.

Start Mining

How Mining Works

Mining involves solving complex mathematical puzzles to validate transactions and create new blocks. Miners compete to find the solution to these puzzles, and the first miner to solve it is rewarded with a block reward in PEPEPOW Crypocions.

Mining Pools

Due to the competitive nature of mining, many miners join mining pools to combine their resources and increase their chances of successfully mining blocks. Mining pools distribute rewards among participants based on their contribution to the pool’s computational power..

Mining Equipment

To participate in mining PEPEPOW Crypocions, miners typically use specialized hardware called mining rigs. These rigs are equipped with powerful centeral processor units (CPUs) or graphics cards (GPUs) specifically high performance for mining cryptocurrencies.


Miners receive rewards in the form of newly minted PEPEPOW Crypocions and transaction fees for successfully mining blocks. These rewards serve as an incentive for miners to contribute their computational power to secure the network.

Mining PEPEPOW: Step-by-Step Guide (2025.1.11)

Empowering Mining, Empowering You

Xelisv2-pepew (modified from Xelis)

Steps to Start Mining

  Step 1: Download/Create a Wallet

Options: Core wallet or web wallet
Purpose: To store your PEPEPOW earnings

  Step 2: Get Your Wallet Address

This address will be used to receive mined PEPEPOW.

  Step 3: Choose a Mining Pool

Example Pool:

  Step 4: Download and Set Up Mining Software

Recommended Mining Software: SRBMiner or HiveOS
Algorithm: xelishashv2_pepew

(Simplest Option: Use SRBMiner with guided setup)
Sample SRBMiner Command:

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe –algorithm xelishashv2_pepew –pool stratum+tcp:// –wallet YOUR_WALLET.WORKER_NAME –password x

  Step 5: Start Mining and HODL

Launch the miner and watch as you accumulate PEPEPOW.


Mining Pools :

  • Community Pool

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe –algorithm xelishashv2_pepew –pool stratum+tcp:// –wallet YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS –password x –cpu-threads 0 –disable-gpu

  • Mining4people Pool

Pool Address:

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe –algorithm xelishashv2_pepew –pool stratum+tcp:// –wallet YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS –password x –cpu-threads 0 –disable-gpu

  • Zpool

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe –algorithm xelishashv2_pepew -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS –password c=PEPEW
Mining with HiveOS

Select Miner: SRBMiner

Algorithm: xelishashv2_pepew


Mining Software

CPU Mining

  1. SRBMiner: Download it here.
  2. CPUMiner (Foztor’s Version): Get it here.

GPU Mining

  • Status: Currently not available.


Supported Pools

  1. Community Pool: Visit
  2. Zpool: Access it at
  3. Mining4people PPLNS: 95% PPLNS pool is available here.
  4. Mining4people Solo: 70% Solo pool is available here


Mining Calculator

[Mining] Enhancing Blockchain Security and Decentralization Through Hashrate Distribution
We would like to remind everyone that by distributing the hashrate among multiple mining pools, we can...
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